This wheel feels great! It’s incredibly light and really sturdy/rigid. The suede leather feels good and doesn’t rub off like some other wheels. It’s easy to clean too if you drive without gloves. Having had a few other wheels, this is by far my favorite.
Bought a Spec Miata with a steering wheel that was set too far forward. Asked Ravi if I should go with a smaller hub or flat wheel. He had one of these in stock and it was mine the moment I held it. Lighter than the Momo it replaced and being flat, no more wrist fatigue after a race.
Biggest feature about this steering wheel is the lightness. Ravi told me that the steering wheel weighs less than a pound. I've had a Personal steering wheel before, but this wheel encompasses lightness with compactness. It's not too large or too small considering it's a 350 mm wheel. The handgrip diameter is just right. Another plus in my book is the ability to use the wheel with or without gloves. It's grippy, but not slippery at all. As all aftermarket steering wheels go, you have to shave/trim down the horn button to fit after you install the quick release. Overall, very happy with the wheel.